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Friday, 31 March 2023

Backyard Animal Poop Identification Guide

Have you ever found yourself scooping up animal poop in your backyard and wondering what kind of animal it came from? It can be helpful to know which animals are using your yard as a bathroom, especially if you have a garden or pets of your own. Animals, both wild and domestic, often leave their mark on our outdoor spaces. Whether it's a pile of droppings or tracks in the dirt, these signs can tell us a lot about the wildlife in our area. But how can we identify which animal left a particular calling card?

In this backyard animal poop identification guide, we take a closer look at different types of animal droppings and their characteristics. By learning how to identify animal poop, you can gain a better understanding of the types of animals that are frequenting your backyard. From rabbits to raccoons, we cover a variety of backyard visitors and their droppings.

Types Of Animal Poop

If you're a keen gardener or have recently started to invest time and effort into your backyard garden, you may notice that there are all kinds of animal droppings left behind. Animal poop in your backyard can provide valuable insight into the kind of animals visiting your yard, so it’s important to identify them. Here are different types of backyard animal poop you may come across:

  • Raccoon poop: Raccoons tend to leave their droppings near sources of food, so if you have bird feeders placed outside then it’s likely that raccoons could be visiting your yard. Raccoon poop comes in cylindrical shapes with rounded ends and is usually accompanied by bits of undigested seeds or pieces of insects - up to 3 inches long!
  • Squirrel poop: Squirrel droppings are slightly bigger than those of a raccoon, being roughly 2-3 cm (1 inch) long or more depending on the size of the squirrel. Many people mistake squirrel poop for rat droppings because they look similar in size and shape but are distinguished by thin ends. They sometimes also contain bits of fur as well as undigested nuts, seeds and insect parts – mostly from oak trees which is why it's important to note what type of nut tree is nearby.
  • Skunk poop: Skunks tend to deposit their droppings under decks or around foundations due to their nocturnal habits so be sure to keep an eye out for these smelly deposits! The appearance varies from somewhat compressed logs up to 3 cm (1 inch) long and diapered with pointed ends when fresh, eventually fading into grey/dark brown pellets with round edges as it ages.
  • Rat poop: Rat poop is typically small, pellet-shaped, and dark brown in color. It can be found in piles or scattered around the yard. Rats are known carriers of diseases such as leptospirosis and hantavirus, so it is important to handle their poop with caution. Use gloves and a mask when cleaning up rat poop and dispose of it in a sealed bag.
  • Mice poop: Mice poop is similar in appearance to rat poop, but smaller in size. It can be found in concentrated areas such as along walls or in corners. Mice can also carry diseases such as salmonella and can cause damage to your home by chewing on wires and insulation. Like with rat poop, use caution when cleaning up mouse poop and dispose of it properly.
  • Etc.

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Location Of Animal Poop

Raccoon poop is usually found near water sources or along paths, while squirrel droppings typically show up under trees and nearby ground coverings. One way to tell if fresh droppings have been left behind is to notice a strong smell, as well as the possible presence of pet food nearby.

Aerial nesting sites, like bird nests, can also provide clues as to the type of animal present in your backyard. Additionally, observing certain types of foliage can help you identify the species that has just passed through your yard. For example, woodpeckers tend to leave piles of sawdust on tree trunks where they have been feeding, or you may find signs such as feathers or eggs from birds that have nested in your garden.

Variations in the Color of Animal Poop

While it may not be the most pleasant topic, the color of animal poop can actually tell you a lot about the animal's health and diet.

Green Poop

Green poop is most commonly seen in herbivorous animals such as rabbits and deer. This is because their diets are largely composed of plants and grasses, which contain chlorophyll. Chlorophyll is what gives plants their green color and can cause the poop to appear green as well. However, if the poop is consistently green and the animal is showing signs of illness, it may be a sign of a digestive issue.

Brown Poop

Brown poop is the most common color of animal poop and is seen in a variety of animals, including dogs, cats, and squirrels. This color is the result of the breakdown of hemoglobin in the animal's blood, which produces a brown pigment called bilirubin. While brown poop is generally a sign of a healthy digestive system, if the poop is consistently dry and hard, it could be a sign of dehydration or constipation.

Black Poop

Black poop is usually seen in carnivorous animals such as raccoons and coyotes, as well as in birds of prey. This color is the result of the breakdown of blood in the digestive system, which produces a black pigment called melanin.

Yellow Poop

Yellow poop is most commonly seen in chickens and other poultry. This color is the result of the breakdown of bile, which is produced in the liver and helps with fat digestion. While yellow poop is generally a normal color for these animals, if the poop is consistently runny or foamy, it could be a sign of a digestive issue or infection.

What To Do If You Find Droppings In Your Garden

If you find droppings in your garden, it's important to take action as soon as possible. Animal waste can pose a threat to humans and their pets if not dealt with promptly. Depending on the animal species, specific steps must be taken to deal with these unwelcome visitors. That's why it's best to contact pest control specialists who can advise you on how to deal with unwanted droppings in your yard.

How To Properly Dispose Of Animal Poop

Active infestations of any wildlife species in your yard or home should be handled by exterminators; if you decide to take it yourself, be sure to use heavy latex gloves and other appropriate protection. When dealing with droppings from different animals, each type requires its own method of disposal. Skunk poop may have parasites that require special attention when disposing of it, while yellow dog poop requires no additional precautions other than picking it up and disposing of it.

Extermination Services

V Extermination offers residential, commercial and agricultural extermination services to ensure your peace of mind. We offer a wide range of services, including animal poop identification, rodent control, bed bug elimination, and more. With our extensive experience in the field, we can provide you with the best extermination services for your needs. We use advanced techniques to identify and remove any kind of pest or animal quickly and effectively. Our team of experts can also provide advice on how to prevent future infestations from occurring.

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