How much does a cluster fly exterminator cost?
With 100,000 different species of flies in the world, the chances of you experiencing a fly infestation at some point in your life are extremely high. One of the most common fly species known to infest homes is the cluster fly. In this article, we explain everything you need to know about cluster flies, including what they look like, what attracts them, and how to get rid of them.
What are cluster flies?
Cluster flies are a species of fly that looks very similar to house flies. As the name suggests, they are often found in clusters rather than as individuals. Typically, they enjoy inhabiting attics, lofts, and the corners of window frames.
Cluster flies are fairly large flies, with an adult of the species averaging at around 7 mm in size. They have a predominantly black/silvery-black checkered body, but are set apart from the common house fly by the golden hairs that are layered across their backs.
Why do I have cluster flies in my house?
There are a number of reasons why you might have cluster flies in your house. In fact, you might have provided them access to your home without knowing it. Most flies enter your house through exterior cracks and cracks around your windows as these provide the ideal gateway to your property. The reason these flies try to enter your home is to escape cold weather outside, which is why infestations are more likely to happen during the winter months.
Are cluster flies dangerous?
Cluster flies can spread diseases. For example, they can infect your food by simply landing on it. However, more than anything, cluster flies are annoying. This is due to their tendency to cluster. As a result, during a cluster fly infestation, you will likely face thousands of flies.
What time of year do cluster flies appear?
Cluster flies first appear in the late summer. You will likely see a lot of them out and about before they become a problem in your home. This is because they lay their eggs in the soil to be ingested by a host earthworm. They then grow inside the hapless worm as larvae and devour it when they are ready to leave, which is usually in the summertime.
During the summer months, the flies are more than happy to live outside as they enjoy the heat. However, as the weather starts to get colder in the winter months, they start looking for homes to infest in order to get warmer. Since they like to be away from people, cluster flies often hibernate in lofts or attics.
3 signs that you have a cluster fly infestation
A cluster fly infestation can be difficult to identify, because these pests don’t like to be around people. However, there are signs you can look out for that suggest that cluster flies may have nested in your house.
Cluster flies give off a very specific smell. This makes it easy to recognize a cluster fly infestation. Every time a fly lands, it deposits a small amount of saliva, which is what contains the signature smell. It can be best identified as sweet and unpleasant and is a means through which individual swarms identify each other. Since cluster flies like to live in attics, if you smell the unpleasant scent when you are upstairs, there is a good chance that you have a cluster fly infestation on your hands.
Cluster flies produce different types of bodily fluid, each of which can stain walls, windows, and floors. Stains in these areas are a clear sign that you have an infestation in your home. Since the flies travel in such large numbers, the stains are often easy to detect. The stains fall under two categories. The first of these is yellow stains produced by saliva, and the second, black marks generated by excrement.
Attracted to light
Although cluster flies usually nest in attics, they are attracted to light. So, if you suspect that you have an infestation, you should shine a light in your attic. This will coax them out in the open, as a result of which you will be able to confirm your suspicions.
The average cost of a cluster fly extermination service
Whatever the species of fly, you can expect to spend an average of $250 on fly extermination services. Although it is possible to get rid of cluster flies on your own, hiring a professional exterminator is the best way to quickly and safely get rid of cluster flies.
3 factors that affect cluster fly extermination pricing
Severity of the infestation
The severity of the infestation is the number one factor that influences extermination costs. This is because severe infestations require more resources, more equipment, and additional labor time.
Number of visits
The number of visits an exterminator must make to your property also affects the final price of extermination services. Some jobs call for multiple visits, in which case, you will most likely be charged for each individual visit.
Method of extermination
Different exterminators use different treatment methods, depending on what the job calls for. For example, while some might use a basic insect spray, others might opt for a more advanced residual pyrethroid-based insecticide.
How much is an emergency exterminator?
Cluster fly extermination services
If you suspect you have a cluster fly infestation, you should contact an extermination company right away. The pest control professionals at V Extermination are committed to ensuring you live in a pest-free environment. We offer different extermination packages to ensure your peace of mind. Our exterminators use only the most effective methods of pest removal, and offer return visits.