How much does earwig extermination cost?
Even though earwigs are common insects that are generally harmless, they can be unpleasant due to their scary appearance. If you notice earwigs in your home or business, it’s important to get rid of them as soon as possible and to prevent them from returning once you've eradicated them.
If trying to get rid of an earwig infestation on your own proves to be difficult, we recommend contacting an earwig exterminator to get rid of the issue permanently. In this article, we provide recommendations on how to prevent and get rid of earwig infestations in your home.
What are earwigs?
Earwigs are small insectivorous arthropods in the family Forficulidae. They have two pairs of wings and three pairs of legs. Their antennae are very short and they do not have eyes.
The adult earwig is about 1-2 cm long and brownish-black in color. The female's forceps are straight, while the male's are curled. Earwigs have a tiny pair of back wings that, when open, resemble fans. In spite of these, they don’t fly often.
Guide to identify insects in your house
Common types of earwigs
There are several species of earwigs, all of which share the same fundamental traits. Nevertheless, they differ in terms of color variations, preferred environments, and the ferocity with which they pursue prey.
The different varieties of earwigs include:
- The European Earwig
- The Red-Legged Earwig
- The Striped Earwig
- The Maritime Earwig
Of these, the European earwig is the most common species to be found in Canada. On the back of this creepy-looking bug are pinchers. European earwigs are continuously foraging for food and a cool, wet place to live. In order to rid your house of these bugs, you should contact an earwig exterminator .
Where do earwigs lay eggs?
Unlike certain insects that have eggs that hatch inside them, the earwig lays its eggs externally. The eggs are often laid in protected regions that earwigs frequent, such as under damp leaves or mulch, or in cracks and crevices . F emale earwigs are quite picky about where they deposit their eggs. The moment of hatching can be seen if the mulch is pulled back at the right time to expose the eggs to warm sunlight.
Are earwigs dangerous?
Earwigs are believed to enter your ear while you're asleep and lay their eggs in your brain. Thankfully, that is a myth. While they are capable of biting humans with their pincers, they hardly ever do. They are not pathogens, so if they end up in your meal, they pose no threat. The only reason to drive them from your home is their unattractiveness.
Signs of an earwig infestation
In order to determine whether you have earwig activity or earwig reproduction in your house, you need to look for the following signs .
A terrible smell
The ability of earwigs to exude an unpleasant smell in self-defense is one of the most repulsive things about them. When a female is nesting, she is particularly protective of her eggs and may use this as a weapon against a predator.
Earwig presence in food
Holes or black patches on fruits or vegetables in the kitchen could point to the presence of earwigs in your home. At times, you will also find earwigs in your flour, rice, or other grain-based containers.
Holes in flowers
Both outdoor and interior fresh flowers are delicious to earwigs. They tend to prefer eating the more fragile area of the leaves, while leaving the tougher veins alone. In the event of an earwig infestation, you will notice bites in the leaves or damage to the flower petals. When you pick up an indoor plant in a pot or look at the bottom of your garbage can, you might notice earwigs actively crawling.
Causes of an earwig infestation
Earwigs are rarely seen in large quantities inside homes unless the environment suits them. The part of the home that is typically the ideal space for earwigs to inhabit is the basement. However, they usually prefer to stay outdoors.
Human activity
Human actions can enable earwigs to access structures within the home. For instance, moving bundles of newspapers, boxes, timber, books, and plants within a building may bring earwigs inside your home. They are also attracted to lights . If you have the lights on in your house, they might leave their outdoor habitats and wander inwards.
Earwigs can invade homes if the environment outside becomes unfriendly. For example, they might wander indoors for warmth if outside temperatures drop.
Decline in habitat
Earwigs might also enter your home if their outdoor habitat dries out. In such a scenario, they might find a damp basement with clutter inviting.
How do you get rid of an earwig infestation?
It's advisable to act right away if you find earwigs inside your home. Below are some steps you can take to get rid of earwigs. However, should these fail, calling an exterminator is the most efficient course of action.
Secure entrances
Earwigs infest homes by squeezi ng through gaps or holes because of their small size so make sure to repair any holes in your windows and doors. You can add an extra layer of protection by caulking your window sills and putting towels under your doors.
Eliminate moisture
Increased moisture levels can lead to earwig infestations. Earwigs can gather in places in a bathroom or basement, or under a sink. You can place fans and dehumidifiers in areas of your home that are more likely to have a higher concentration of moisture.
Vacuuming every day is an excellent way to get rid of earwigs in your home. By doing this, you'll pick up any food fragments that may be on the ground as well as any stray earwigs that may have wandered in your home.
Call an exterminator
As with any pest infestation, calling an exterminator is the best solution. An earwig exterminator can help you find a permanent solution to your inf estation problem through a customized earwig control service and treatment program.
What is pest management and how does it work?
How to prevent earwigs
You can prevent earwigs from entering your house, garden, or yard by taking a number of preventative steps. It is far simpler to prevent an earwig infestation than to get rid of them. Should these steps fail, you should hire an exterminator , as doing so will prevent them from entering your home in the future.
Fix leaky pipes, holes, and crevices
In order to prevent the accumulation of moisture in your home, fix leaky faucets or pipes that are located indoors. To keep bugs away, fill all holes and crevices both inside and outside your home. You should also make sure that there are no b ugs in anything you bring in from the outside. This could be anything from flowers or vegetables, to firewood or potted plants. All window and door openings should have weatherstripping installed.
Improve your garden
Earwigs love mulch, big stones, firewood, landscaping timbers, and piles of boards in the yard and garden so it’s best to remove mulch from the home and make sure your yard has adequate drainage. Instead of using mulch as a border around your house, think about using gravel or stone.
Remove leftover items, including potted plants, trash cans, and boards. Make sure your rain gutters and downspouts are pointed away from the foundation of your home and that you clean underneath welcome mats on a regular basis. For earwig control , fix any leaky faucets or air conditioners that produce moisture outside your home. To prevent trees and shrubs from getting too close to your home, prune them.
How do I get rid of earwigs in my house?
Average earwig control cost
Exterminating earwigs by hiring a professional exterminator can help eliminate both the bugs and their eggs. The nationwide average price for earwig extermination is between $100 to $400 , with the typical homeowner spending $300 to get their 2500 square foot home earwig-free. Earwig extermination costs can range from $75 for a 1,000 square foot home to $600 for a 3,000 square foot property.
What factors influence earwig pest control prices?
The cost of a pest control services can surprise homeowners. As a result, they may choose DIY solutions. However, these fall short in terms of effectiveness. Below are some of the factors that influence the cost of earwig extermination services.
Severity of the infestation
A key factor in determining the price of residential or commercial earwig pest control is the severity of the issue. The more severe the infestation, the greater the time spent getting rid of it and, therefore, the greater the cost.
Frequency of visits
The number of visits that an exterminator has to make to take care of the infestation can play a role in determining the overall cost of the treatment. For example, eliminating a severe infestation that requires more visits will be costlier than a moderate infestation. We advise against cutting back on the frequency and skipping a few trips in between to avoid having to spend extra. This could make the condition worse and cost you more in the long run.
Size of your home
The cost of the extermination treatment is also be based on the size of your home. Insects have more places to hide in a larger home with more rooms and space. As a result, the pest control specialist needs to spend more time in your home in order to locate all the different hiding places and concealed nests. This translates into a larger bill.
Earwig extermination services
T he best way to kill earwigs and prevent them from infesting your home is by hiring a pest control exterminator . At V Extermination, we guarantee service of the highest quality. Our certified experts are quick and effective and, what’s more, available seven days a week.
Our expertise extends to a wide range of domestic pests, parasites and rodents, and we even offer a wildlife control service that involves capture and relocation. We understand that domestic infestations can endanger your health and well-being and diminish the value of your property which is why we ensure quick and speedy service that is guaranteed to restore your peace of mind.