Flea infestation control | The fleas are coming!
The thought of your cat or dog having fleas can be a continual strain on your mind if you own a pet. These parasites feed on animal blood and can quickly become a nuisance in your home, biting both you and your pets.
Fleas can jump farther than any other bug in relation to their size. A human of ordinary size could jump 295 feet across and 160 feet high if they had the same jumping abilities as a flea. If you have a flea problem in your home, in this article we share everything you need to know to get rid of them.
What are fleas?
Fleas are microscopic, flightless parasites that feed on the blood of various warm-blooded animals and can transfer diseases to their hosts, depending on the species. Although many people believe that fleas are simply an issue for pets, they may bite humans and are carriers of the uncommon bubonic plague.
Flea infestations are most common among pet owners but this pest can also be brought into a property by wild creatures such as raccoons or skunks. If these creatures pass in your lawn frequently, chances are that fleas are waiting in your garden to jump on their next prey.
What do fleas look like?
Fleas range in size from 1/12" to 1/6" in length and are usually dark red or brown in appearance. They have two antennae and six legs and are quite flat in shape. They don't have wings but their powerful legs let them jump great distances. Fleas, despite being a little pest, can generally be seen with the naked eye. Adult fleas have backward-pointing bristles that allow them to move quickly through fur, hair, and feathers.
Why are fleas so bad?
Flea bites generally only cause irritation and a discolored ring around the bitten area but sometimes it can be more severe. Flea bites can cause allergic reactions in humans and animals and transmit diseases.
The allergic reactions range from rash, swelling, and shortness of breath. The infectious disease they transmit can provoke high fever, body aches, rashes, nausea, abdominal pain, and weight loss. This explains why a flea infestation must be dealt with as soon as possible!
Where are the fleas coming from?
Fleas are transmitted from one afflicted animal to another, which makes dog parks notorious for the rapid spread of fleas. Fleas are usually located outside in shaded regions, among long grass or bushes, waiting for a host animal to pass by.
Signs of a flea infestation
Scratching, hair loss, and red rashes are some of the most frequent symptoms of a flea infestation. Small black specks, which are frequently flea excrement, may also be found dispersed throughout pet beds, carpets, and rugs.
Flea larvae are more difficult to find and are frequently hidden in places such as behind furniture or the cracks in the floor. The female flea deposits eggs on your pet, allowing them to fall off as your pet moves, disseminating them across the region your pet lives in. If you notice any of the aforementioned signs, you should contact an exterminator.
How long can infestations last?
Fleas are among the most troublesome bugs to contend with. They're small enough to get around without difficulty and acrobatic. An infestation will last as long as the infesting colony has been eradicated completely so the answer to this question is as soon as preventive measures are taken.
Experts in pest management have tactics and products to treat your house inside and out effectively. They also give recommendations as to how to treat your pet. Fleas prefer four-legged hosts to humans in general, and if your family pet has fleas, your yard, house, and furniture are likely to be the next targets.
The flea's life cycle is influenced by its environment. Fleas thrive in warm weather, and this makes your home the perfect incubator for their eggs. The ideal temperature range is 26 to 32 degrees Celsius with 70% humidity. Fleas have a life cycle of 18 to 21 days in these settings. Flea larvae can stay latent for months if the weather isn't perfect and there isn't a host to feed on. Adult female fleas survive for many weeks to several months on average.
How do you get rid of fleas in your home?
Adult fleas unwittingly housed by your pet account for about 5% of flea infestations. The eggs, larvae, and cocoons that have spread in your home are considered to account for the remaining 95%. This means you'll have to attack the problem from every angle to get rid of fleas in your home. To accomplish this, you must simultaneously treat your pet and its living environment.
Vacuum all floors, upholstery, and mattresses with a strong vacuum. Fleas and their cohort of eggs, larvae, and cocoons prefer to hide in cracks and other tight locations. Use a vacuum with a bag that you can dispose of without coming into contact with the contents if possible. Use a steam cleaner for any form of carpet, rug, pet bed, or upholstery. Fleas are killed by a mixture of high heat and soap at all stages of life. Pay special attention to any hotspots where your pet likes to rest.
Wash and treat
Killing fleas is all about heat so you should wash your pet’s bed in hot water and it should be dried on the highest heat setting possible. Consider getting rid of old bedding and beginning over if the infestation is severe.
Chemical treatment can be used. Aerosol sprays are preferable to foggers because they can be directed under beds or other areas where foggers may be hard to reach. However, be sure to choose an insecticide that contains an adulticide and an insect growth regulator.
This will ensure that your chemical cocktail will kill adult fleas, flea eggs, larvae, and pupae. It is not safe for people or pets to come into contact with the spray until it has dried. When applying the spray, wear gloves and wait until everyone is out of the house before spraying.
Flea treatment of pets
The flea treatment of pets goes as follow:
- Wash their bedding?
- Clean your pet?
- Natural remedies?
1. Wash their bedding
Every couple of days, wash your pet's bedding in hot water. After each wash, dry it on the highest heat setting. You can take the pet bed to a dry cleaner but be sure the chemicals that are used are safe for pets. As long as you find fleas on your pet, continue washing his bedding regularly.
2. Clean your pet
Flea shampoo should be used on your pet. Inquire with your veterinarian or a natural food store about the best choices for your pet. Pyrethrin, a chrysanthemum flower extract, is found in several successful pet shampoos. Invest in a flea comb, and once you've combed the bugs out of your pet's fur, have a bowl of soapy water ready to dip them in. Note that fleas prefer to congregate around the neck and tail.
3. Natural remedies
Make a powerful solution by combining two cups of rosemary leaves with hot water if you prefer natural therapies. Allow the liquid to cool before spraying, rinsing, or soaking your pet. Depending on the type of flea currently infesting your home, this natural remedy may be fruitless.
Flea treatment of your yard
The best strategy to get rid of fleas in your yard is to consider where they like to hide. Take a look around your yard and make a list of the shaded, humid, and heated spots. Consider where wild animals like raccoons and skunks might pass as well as where your pet prefers to lie down to identify problem areas.
Follow these steps to treat your home’s garden:
Mow the lawn
Regularly mow your grass and rake the exposed areas thoroughly. Fleas prefer thick grass to hide in. The mowed grass should be disposed of in a closed garbage bag.
Remove debris
Remove all waste from flower beds and under any bushes, such as dead leaves and twigs since these debris tend to be humid, just like the fleas appreciate it.
Cedar chips
Use cedar chips for protection. Cedar chips repel fleas because they despise the smell and will go to great lengths to avoid them. Get two huge 0.5 cubic ft bags of cedar chips from the garden store and spread them across the places where your animal hangs out.
Flea control services
Fleas are a real pain and can even be dangerous so household pest management is essential for peace of mind and minimizing damage. Exterminators can help you get rid of pests by giving you expert advice and assistance both during the extermination and after the process. In cases of home infestation, our experts have the ability and know-how to eliminate flea infestations quickly and effectively.